Club Talks
Some of these recordings appear on our HAS Monthly Meetings Youtube channel:
(Click on the relevant button below to access years 2020 to 2024):
19 February:
Dr Sam Pearson - 'Planetary Mass Objects and JuMBOs in the Trapezium Cluster' (presented via Zoom)
Cheryl Brice - club member's talk: 'So the Moon is not made of cheese'
15 January:
Ian Ridpath - ‘Pictures in the sky: The origin and history of the constellations'
(available to 17 Feb 2025, one month after upload)
Steve Foster - Club member's talk, about recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis (presented via Zoom)
17 January:
Jamie Carter -‘Why smart telescopes will take over the universe’ and
Roger Hyman - Club members' talk, about his imaging
21 February:
John Neal - 'Multimessenger Astronomy: Seeing the universe with wider eyes'
Les Brand - 'Variable stars, part 2' (Variable star observations and photometry)
20 March:
Jack Martin - 'The Bi-centenary of Sir William Huggins'
Slideshow of members' images - 'In the Bleak Midwinter' (club members' slot)
17 April - 30th Anniversary Meeting:
Konrad Malin-Smith - 'Harvard, Lowell, and the expansion of space' (pre-recorded talk) and
Les Jones - 'Havering Astronomical Society 30th Anniversary: A Brief History and Highlights'
15 May:
Dr Ashley King - 'To Bennu & Back: what asteroids can tell us about the origins of the Solar System'
John Sweeney - 'Total Solar Eclipse' (club member's talk),
including his trip to Mexico to see the solar eclipse of 8 April 2024, and information about other eclipses
19 June:
Tim Parsons - 'A Massive Star Menagerie: Touring through the upper reaches of the H-R diagram'
and: Sarah O'Shea - ‘Chasing the Aurora!’ (club member's talk)
17 July:
Paul Money - 'New Images of the Universe'
The recording was available to the end of August, at Paul's request
18 September:
Lee MacDonald - 'Refugees, star clusters and relativity: astronomy at Greenwich Observatory during the First World War'
Magda Wheatley and Peter Morris: a run-through of Magda's talk to the Young Astronomers in February
about the possibility of life on exoplanets (club members slot)
16 October:
Professor John Zarnecki - 'Titan: past, peent and future'
20 November:
Nik Szymanek - 'The New Astronomy - A Centaurus A Case Study'
Peter Morris - ‘Dark Sky areas I have known and loved’ (club member's talk)
18 January:
Nick James -‘Optical tracking of distant spacecraft’ and
Liz Watson - 'The Sun: Observing and Imaging' (Club members' talk)
15 February:
Professor Richard Ellis - ‘New Adventures with Image Processing’
Roger Hyman - Club members' talk, about his imaging
15 March:
Professor Simon Green - 'How to stop an asteroid’ and
Ian Moss - 'My Journey into Space and Time' (Club members' talk)
17 May:
Dr Emma Curtis-Lake - 'Smashing the redshift barrier with JWST'
Peter Morris and Magda Wheatley - Run-through of the HAS website (Club members' talk)
21 June:
Jerry Workman - 'The Moon - Observation and Science' and
Steve Foster - 'Galactic Archaeology and Milky Way Structure' (Club members' talk)
19 July:
Dr Louise Devoy - ‘Urania’s spiders: the hidden web of women’s involvement in astronomy across the centuries'
Peter Morris - 'Asterisms: drawings in the sky' (Club members' talk)
20 September:
Paul Money - 'The Trials and Tribulations of Voyager' and
Peter Morris and Magda Wheatley - 'Images of Summer' slideshow (Club members' slot)
18 October:
Paul Whiting - ‘So, who’s this STEVE then?'
Youtube link pending
15 November:
Nik Szymanek - 'Update on Robotic Imaging'
Cheryl Brice - 'Philatelist's Guide to the Galaxy' (Club members' talk)
Dr Martin Suttle – ‘The Winchcombe meteorite and what we’ve learnt so far’ – 19 January
Dr David Arditti – ‘History of the Telescope’ – 16 February
Dr Lee Macdonald – ‘From cracked mirror to Nobel Prize: the story of the Isaac Newton Telescope – 16 March
Konrad Malin-Smith – ‘Gravity - historical and modern (without the maths!)’ – 20 April
Roger O’Brien – ‘Interstellar communication’ – 18 May
Jerry Workman – ‘The Apollo moon landings from 11 to 17’ – 15 June
Paul Whiting - 'The Energetic Whirligigs of the Universe' - 20 July
Paul Money - 'Through the StarGate: imaging the night sky with an alt-az Dobsonian' - 21 September
(not listed here, at Paul's request)
Chris Woodhouse – ‘Imaging roundup’ – 19 October
(only available to end 2022, at Chris' request)
16 November:
Nik Szymanek - ‘New Adventures with Image Processing’
Les Brand - 'Variable phenomena and photometry - a short intro' (Club members' talk, same date)
Professor Marc Schumann - 'Exploring the Dark Universe with XENON' - 7 January
Professor Alan Fitzsimmons - 'Understanding Near-Earth Objects and Planetary Defence' - 20 January
Ryan French - 'Ancient times to new results - a journey through solar physics' - 3 February
Dr Dafydd Wyn Evans - 'Gaia: what was delivered in EDR3 and what is to come in DR3' - 17 February
Dr Rebekah Higgitt - 'Transits of Venus and 'precision exploration' in the 18th century' - 3 March
Dr Greg Brown - 'Black Holes: The Small, the Medium and the XXL' - 17 March
Professor Stephen Lowry - 'Comet Interceptor – The European Space Agency’s New F-Class Mission' - 31 March
Konrad Malin-Smith - 'Star clusters and their evolution' - 21 April
Affelia Wibisono - 'Seeing Jupiter’s aurora in a different light' - 5 May
Dr Jeff Wagg - 'A golden age for radio astronomy' - 16 June
Dr Don Lincoln - 'Understanding God's thoughts' - 21 June
(held jointly with the Flamsteed Astronoical Society)
Paul Money - 'Why are there no green stars? - 15 September
(not listed here, at Paul's request)
Professor Charles Lawrence - 'Newton's Calculus' - 15 January
Nick James - 'Great Comets and Great Disappointments' - 15 April
Magda Wheatley - '30 years of the Hubble Space Telescope', and Les Brand - 'Stellarium run-through' - 29 April
Doug Millard - '30 years of the Hubble Space Telescope', and Peter Morris - 'Summer Sky Notes' - 12 May
Roger O'Brien - 'Interstellar Visitors' - 20 May
Szabolcs Nagy - 'Shooting the International Space Station' - 3 June
Steve Tonkin - 'Two eyes are better than one' - 17 June
Dr Louise Devoy - 'Annie Maunder (1868-1947): pioneering astrophotographer and 'lady computer' at Greenwich”, and
Peter Morris on Colours of double stars - 1 July
Dick Campbell, Director of the Central Texas Astronomical Society.- Live camera tour of the telescope and control room;
talk about the remote operation, and their science; public outreach and education support - 22 July
Zach Dickeson - ‘Lakes, Oceans, and the Search for Life on Mars’ - 29 July
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell - 'Bursts, bangs and things that go bump in the night - transient astronomy' - 19 August
Anastasia Kokori - 'ARIEL: the future of exoplanets and ExoClock' - 2 September
Paul Money - 'The Vikings at Barsoom Part Two - The search for life' - 16 September
(not listed here, at Paul's request)
Dr Emily Drabek-Maunder - 'Searching for evidence of life in the clouds of Venus' - 7 October
Dr Paul Whiting - 'Colliding Galaxies' - 21 October
Professor John Zarnecki - ‘Spacecraft I have known and loved’ - 4 November
Nik Szymanek - 'Adventures with CCD imaging' - 18 November