Dumbbell Nebula
Camera Altair astro Hypercam 183M V2
Telecope Celestron Edge 8HD 0.7 Reducer
Mount AVX
Altair hypercam 183M, Celestron 8HD Edge 0.7 reducer, AVX Mount, 40 Frames Stacked
M42 Orions Great Nebula 30x30s lights 30x30s darks and 10 bias stacked in DSS and processed in Lightroom, Celestron edge 8HD AVX 0.7x reducer and Canon 450D
The Milky Way taken in charlestown Cornwall August 2016 40 second exposure
Camera Sony Xperia XZ_6c0c
Lightroom APP
Tele Vue FoneMate
Tele Vue 8mm Delos
Celestron AVX 8"Edge
In the picture
Mare imbrium, sea of showers and rain
Mare Frigoris, sea of cold Above Plato
The dark crater in the centre of the picture is Plato
Archimedes is bottom right with Autolycus just above and Aristillus above once again
Aristoteles is the large crater on the right hand side middle edge
Above the Mare Frigoris left to right is Fontenelle, Timaeus and Archytas
Mountain's and valleys
Directly under Plato is Mons Pico
To the right of Plato is Montes Alpes and running straight through the middle of the Alpes is Alpine Valley
Camera Sony Xperia XZ_6c0c
Lightroom APP
Tele Vue FoneMate
Tele Vue 8mm Delos
Celestron AVX 8"Edge
In the picture
Centre, Mare Imbrium, sea of showers/rains
Top left, Sinus Iridum, bay of rainbows
Right hand side middle edge, Archimedes
Three at bottom from left to right, Euler, Lambert and Timocharis
Underneath those three is Pytheas
The two craters next to the bay of rainbows, from left to right are Helicon and Le Verrier
Camera Sony Xperia XZ_6c0c
Lightroom APP
Tele Vue FoneMate
Tele Vue 8mm Delos
Celestron AVX 8"Edge
In the picture
Mare Nubium, sea of clouds
The two in the middle of frame from left to right are Campanus and Mercator
Directly above Campanus is Konig and straight up again to Bullialdus
The large crater on the right/middle on the edge of the sea is Pitatus
Taken with a Celestron Advanced VX 8" EdgeHD Telescope 19/04/2016
M42 Orions Great Nebula 30x30s lights 30x30s darks and 10 bias stacked in DSS and processed in Lightroom, Celestron edge 8HD AVX 0.7x reducer and Canon 450D
Orion and moon hiding behind a tree 24/03/2015
Andromeda Galaxy 17/11/2017 30x40s lights 30x40s darks and 10 bias stacked in DSS and processed in Lightroom, Celestron edge 8HD AVX 0.7x reducer and Canon 450D
M42 Orions Great Nebula 30x30s lights 30x30s darks and 10 bias stacked in DSS and processed in Lightroom, Celestron edge 8HD AVX 0.7x reducer and Canon 450D
Single shot taken with Canon 450D
Taken in Foulden Scotland
M42 Orions Great Nebula 30x30s lights 30x30s darks and 10 bias stacked in DSS and processed in Lightroom, Celestron edge 8HD AVX 0.7x reducer and Canon 450D
The Sombrero Galaxy, M104 is located 28 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo. taken on the 24/05/2017 40x30sec exposures stacked in DSS and processed in LR
The Milky Way taken in charlestown Cornwall August 2016 40 second exposure
The Milky Way taken in charlestown Cornwall August 2016 40 second exposure
The Milky Way taken in charlestown Cornwall August 2016 40 second exposure
Mercury Transit. The Black dot in the lower left is Mercury you can also see some faint sunspots 09/05/2017
Taken in Foulden Scotland 40min exposure
Pulsar 2.2 meter