Skywatcher 80ED pro, 0.85 flattener/reducer, ZWO ASI294mc pro camera.
The Eagle Nebula (Messier 16, NGC 6611) is a young open cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens, The "Eagle" refers to visual impressions of the dark silhouette near the center of the nebula an area made famous as the "Pillars of Creation" imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Imaged, June/July 2020. Kit: RC8, ZWO 7nm narrowband filters. Processed with PI and Affinity
NGC 7635, also known as the Bubble Nebula, Sharpless 162, or Caldwell 11, is an H II region[1] emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. Imaged, July 2020. Kit: RC8, ZWO 7nm narrowband filters. Processed with PI and Affinity
NGC 281, IC 11 or Sh2-184 is a bright emission nebula and part of an H II region in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia and is part of the Milky Way's Perseus Spiral Arm.
Imaged, July 2020. Kit: RC8, ZWO 7nm narrowband filters. Processed with PI and Affinity
March 2020
RC8, 0.67 flattener, ASI1600mm pro, ZWO RGB and Ha filters
Processed in PI
NGC7023, C4, Iris Nebula in Cepheus. RGB image, 6hrs, 2hrs per filter
24x5min Ha, 12x5min, 24xOii, 12xSii. Total integration time: 5hrs
Equipment: RC8, 0.67 reducer/flattener, ASI1600mm pro, ZWO narrowband filters
Processing: Pixinsight, Affinity
Starting on the right, the image contains M84 and M86 - the two larger galaxies on the right hand side.
Next are NGC4435 and NGC4438 - Copeland's Eyes
Kit: Skywatcher 80ED pro, ZWO ASI294mc pro
bared spiral in Leo - RGB from March
RGB version shot in March with RC8, ASI1600, ZWO RGB filters, NEQ6 mount. Processed in PI.
M61 is main object - also galaxies NGC4301 and NGC4292
The Leo Triplet M65, M66, and NGC 3628.
The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33) is a dark nebula in the constellation Orion.
August 2018
15x5mins each Ha, Oiii,Sii
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
August 2018
10x5mins each Ha,Oiii,Sii
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight, using Hubble Palette
August 2018
60x30sec frames
Canon 1200d modded
Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker in comet mode and static stars
October 2018
45x5mins each Ha and Oiii
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
September 2018
LRGB, (Ha as Lum)
12x5mins Ha, 8x5min each RGB
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO RGB filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
September 2018
2000 frames video capture in Sharpcap
Skywatcher Evostar 102, 2x barlow
Stacked with Autostakert, wavelets processing in Registax
September 2018
40x5mins Ha, 20x5mins Oiii, Sii
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
June 2018
45x5mins Ha, 30x5mins each Oiii, Sii
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
60x10min Ha, 40x each Sii,Oiii
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
2000 frames video capture in Sharpcap
Skywatcher Evostar 102, 2x barlow
Stacked with Autostakert, wavelets processing in Registax
September 2018
8x10mins each RGB filter
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO RGB filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
August 2018
10x5mins each Ha,Oiii,Sii
Bi-colour, narrowband filters Ha and Oiii
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO narrowband filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
October 2018
5x 2mins each RGB filters
Skywatcher ED80 pro, 0.85x reducer/flattener
ZWO ASI1600mmpro, ZWO RGB filters
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in AstroArt6
July 2018
LRGB 10X each RGB filters
ZWO ASI 1600mmpro
Captured with Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2 guiding
Processed in Pixinsight
M42 120sHA cal scaled v2.jpg
Combined RGB and narrowband using H-Alpha as luminance .
Rosette Nebula - Captured using ASI1600mm camera and narrowband images
Orion and Rosette Nebula
captured using my Canon DSLR on a simple tracking mount and standard tripod. You can see a fair amount of the faint nebulosity which surrounds the constellation Orion where new stars are being born
NGC6960 Western Veil - supernova remnant in the constellation of Cynus
Rosette Nebula -mono image captured using a H-alpha filter which helps cut out a lost of light pollution and shows up a lot of the gaseous detail.
Horsehead and Flame Nebula - captured using a modified Canon DSLR
Pacman nebula
Pleiades - prominent star cluster also known as the "Seven Sisters"
Califiornia Nebula - so-called since the nebula seems to resemble the state of California
Abell 426 custer of galaxies - all the fuzzy blobs are actually distant galaxies - in this cluster there are several thousand galaxies!
Star Trails over Upminster Windmill, February 2023