Astronomy is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, but it’s easy to be put off by technical jargon, the high price of the equipment and the difficulty of knowing where to start. You don’t need to be a scientist, or have expensive equipment – all you need is an interest in looking up at the night sky and a wish to know more about it. Our society is for anyone intrigued by the night sky.
We aim to bring astronomy to the attention of our local community by holding meetings and observing events, and giving educational talks to youth organisations and schools. At our monthly meetings, we host talks given by visiting speakers and our own members, on a variety of astronomy-related topics. Our Young Astronomers Group holds monthly meetings for young people aged 8-16 who wish to find out more about the night sky.
You are very welcome to come along to one of our meetings before deciding to join. Whatever your current level of interest, you will be sure to find someone to chat with and broaden your knowledge. Please feel free to browse our website to discover who we are and what we do. You are welcome to get in touch to enquire about the society, or to ask general questions on astronomy.
Les Jones,
Next HAS club meetings -
Young Astronomers: Thursday 3 April; Adults: Wednesday 16 April
Further below - March 2024 slideshow of members' images; Martin's Monthly Challenges
Young Astronomers
Our YA Group is for children, aged 8-16, interested in space and astronomy. We hold a wide range of talks and activities, with opportunities for stargazing. We plan to visit the National Space Centre (Leicester), in October (also for adult members - NB: members only). See our
YA page for info and photos about our meetings and activities.
We offer outreach activities to support local community clubs and organisations, such as schools, youth groups (including Guides, Brownies, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers) and other local community groups interested in finding out more about the wonders of the night sky. Please complete the enquiry form, and we will get back to you shortly:
Outreach request form
Further info on our
Potential observing (members only)
Venue: Thames Chase, Upminster. Dates are tbc, and depend upon clear skies. Go/no go decisions will be circulated via the HAS Observing Group Chat on WhatsApp. NB: no access to buildings or any facilities at Thames Chase during these evenings.
* If you wish to join the
WhatsApp group, please contact Les Brand on
lesbrand@gmail.com *
'In the Bleak Midwinter' slideshow of members' images, March 2024 -
images covering Nov to end March approx.
In surname order - auto-rotates; or you can scroll using the arrows
Sunrise, 14 Dec 2023 - opening slide by Denise Beard
Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster (faux 3D effect if viewed on a small screen with soft focus so a third image appears) - Les Brand
Widefield Orion - Les Brand
C2022 E3 ZTF - still image from a video, by Les Brand
Horsehead Nebula, in Orion
Martin Gill
Monkey Head Nebula
Martin Gill
NGC 1501, planetary nebula in Camelopardalis (also known as the Oyster Nebula)
Martin Gill
Owl Cluster (NGC 457), in Cassiopeia
Martin Gill
NGC 2158, cluster in Gemini
Martin Gill
NGC 7789 (also known as Caroline's Rose or the White Rose Cluster) - Martin Gill
Andromeda Galaxy, November 2023
Ian Moss
The Pleiades, November 2023 - Ian Moss
Orion Nebula, January 2024 - Ian Moss
Horsehead Nebula, January 2024
Ian Moss
Tadpole Nebula, February 2024
Ian Moss
Monkey Head Nebula, February 2024
Ian Moss
Orion Nebula - Steve Smith
Heart Nebula, in Cassiopeia, with the attached Fish Head Nebula to the lower right
Steve Smith
Tadpole Nebula (NGC 1893)
Steve Smith
Owl Nebula (Messier 97), in Ursa Major
Steve Smith
Part of the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula
- Steve Smith
The Moon
Steve Smith
Rosette Nebula, in Monoceros
Ted Teece
Horsehead Nebula, in Orion
Ted Teece
Heart Nebula (NGC 1805)
Ted Teece
Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405), in Auriga
Ted Teece
IC 443 (sometimes called the Jellyfish Nebula)
Ted Teece
Ted Teece
Close-up of Sun’s surface, 6 Nov 2023
Liz Watson
Sun's full disc, 25 Nov 2023 - Liz Watson
Sunset, 1 Feb 2024 (1) - Liz Watson
Sunset, 1 Feb 2024 (2) - Liz Watson
Orion Nebula - William Wood
M81 (on the right) and M82 - William Wood
M101 (also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy)
William Wood
Owl Cluster (NGC 457)
William Wood
William Wood
Sunrise, 14 Dec 2023 (1) - Sophia Yan
Sunrise, 14 Dec 2023 (2) - Sophia Yan
[Closing slide]
Martin's Monthly Challenge - March